Welcome to the Banbury & Warwick Deanery website
On this site you will find contact details and links to websites, where they exist, for all the Catholic Parishes in the Deanery, together with Sunday Mass Times, and details of our Catholic Schools.
Our website brings together the resources of the Deanery and provides information about Deanery wide activity. The Banbury and Warwick Deanery is one of eleven Deaneries which make up the Catholic Archdiocese of Birmingham, and covers a large area stretching from the Cotswolds over to Rugby.
Fr David Hartley, parish priest of Whitnash, is the Dean of the Banbury & Warwick Deanery.
The Deanery parishes are grouped into four clusters known as follows:
- Leamington: Kenilworth & Warwick: Leamington, Lillington, Kenilworth, Whitnash, Warwick, Hampton on the Hill, Baddesley Clinton.
- Rugby: Rugby, Bilton, Hillmorton, Southam, Wappenbury.
- Bicester and Banbury: Bicester, Hethe, Banbury, Chipping Norton, Charlbury.
- Stratford-upon-Avon: Stratford-upon-Avon, Wooton Wawen, Kineton, Shipston, Brailes.
In each of these clusters clergy and lay people are meeting a few times each year to share ideas and insights and simply get to know each others parishes better, so that when any decisions about changes in the future are being made people will know and trust each other to work together for the Common Good.
The members of the local groups also together make up our Deanery Forum (meeting pictured at the top) where we can find ways to share good practice and resources as we work to implement the Diocesan Vision.
We will be praying for the Mission of our Deanery on a Day Pilgrimage to Littlemore, St John Henry Newman’s College and Blessed Dominic Barberi Church- one of our Diocesan Jubilee Churches, on Saturday 22nd March, beginning with Mass at 10.30am. I hope some members of each parish will be able to join in this day for the Jubilee Year.
Every blessing, Fr David
Map of the Churches in Deanery
Live Streaming in Banbury & Warwick Deanery
St John the Evangelist (Banbury) link, St Joseph the Worker (Banbury) link, Immaculate Conception (Bicester) link, Sacred Heart (Bilton) link, English Martyrs (Hillmorton) link,cban210724 St Peters ( Leamington Spa) link, St Joseph (Monks Kirby) link, St Maries (Rugby) link , St Gregory the Great (Stratford upon Avon) link, St Mary Immaculate (Warwick) link, St Joseph’s (Whitnash) link
23 February: St Francis of Assisi (Baddersley Clinton) sfa230225, Banbury Catholic Churches cban230225, Blessed Robert Grissold (Balsall Common) brg230225, Immaculate Conception (Bicester) and Holy Trinity (Hethe) ic230225, Sacred Heart (Bilton) & English Martyrs (Hillmorton) shen230225, St Teresa’s (Charlbury) st230225, Holy Trinity Catholic Church (Chipping Norton) , Ss Francis & Augustine (Kenilworth) ck230225, Catholic Leamington (St Peter Apostle with Our Lady’s) cl230225, St Joseph’s (Monks Kirby) sj230225, St. Marie’s (Rugby) , Catholic Parishes of Our Lady and the Apostles (Shipston) & Ss Peter and Paul (Brailes) and St Francis of Assisi (Kineton) cbraile230225, Our Lady and St Wulstan (Southam) olsw230225, St Gregory the Great (Stratford upon Avon) 23 February , St Anne’s & Our Lady of Angel’s (Wappenbury) , St Mary Immaculate with St Charles Borromeo (Warwick) smw230225, St Joseph (Whitnash) sjwhit230225, Our Lady and St Benedict (Wooton Wawen) olsb230225.
Deanery Day Pilgrimage to Littlemore – Sat 22 March. A pilgrimage to a Diocesan Jubilee church in Oxford, the College of St John Henry New-man and Blessed Dominic Barberi Church, OX4 4JX. 10.30. Arrival and Mass, coffee and a talk, guided visit of the College, BYO packed lunch, Exposition, Indulgence prayers and ending with tea at 3pm. Ample car parking at church. No charge but a collection will be taken for the Sisters and the Parish. Please confirm attendance by 17 March to peter.rand@btinternet.com as soon as you know or latest. More information about the Pilgrimage link Thank you.
Older Newsletters link Sunday Mass times link
Deanery Pastoral Council link
Resources for the Jubilee Year 2025 link
Archdiocese of Birmingham
News: link , Website link, e-newsletter sign up link
Warwick Hospital Catholic Chaplaincy
Fr David Hartley is the Catholic Chaplain for the hospital. Local priests provide support and emergency cover. If you are in hospital and wish to see a Catholic priest, please ask as patient confidentiality rules mean that priests will not be automatically told about you.
Going into Hospital
If you or a relative are going into hospital, please be sure to tell the ward staff you are a Catholic and would like to see the Catholic Chaplain. It’s also helpful to notify the Parish Clergy, so a visit, either by them or the Chaplain can be arranged. For information on Warwick Hospital please visit https://www.swft.nhs.uk/our-hospitals/warwick-hospital/chaplains-spiritual-and-religious-support. The Catholic Chaplain can be contacted via chaplaincy@swft.nhs.uk
The Church’s in the Banbury & Warwick Catholic Deanery are part of the Archdiocese of Birmingham, Registered Charity No. 234216. This website provides Catholic news, and information.