Our Lady of Angel’s, Princethorpe
Archdiocese of Birmingham information link.
This church is part of the Parish of St Anne, Wappenbury
Clergy: Fr Timothy O’Brien MSC fr.teddy.obrien@rcaob.org.uk
Address: Oxford Road, Princethorpe, Warwickshire, CV23 9PX
telephone: 01926 632214 mobile: 07751 444952 email: stanne.wappenbury@rcaob.org.uk, website: stanneswappenbury.wordpress.com
Historic Churches Committee: https://www.catholic-historic-churches.org.uk/churches/1716?committee=4
Schools in this parish:
Our Lady’s Catholic Primary School, Leamington Road, Princethorpe, CV23 9PU
tel: 01926 632385 email: admin3561@welearn365.com website: https://www.ourladysrc.warwickshire.sch.uk/