Littlemore Day Pilgrimage

Saturday 22nd March.  Day Pilgrimage to one of our Diocesan Jubilee churches –Littlemore, Oxford.

The College of St John Henry Newman and Blessed Dominic Barberi Church OX4 4JX

This Deanery event is open to everybody. On the day timings:

      • 10:30 Arrival and Mass
      • 11:30 Coffee – A Talk in the hall
      • 12:30 Visit of The College (at least two groups, guided by the Sisters of the Work)
      • 13:30 Lunch in the hall (bring a packed lunch, hot drinks available there)
      • about 14:00 Exposition in the church
      • 15:00 Cup of tea in the hall to finish

There is no charge. A collection will be taken for the Sisters and the Parish.
Why not car share or even consider hiring a minibus.
There is plenty of parking at the church.

We are just getting used to functioning as part of our large deanery and this is a chance in the Jubilee Year to have a day when people from ALL our parishes meet to pray together for our common mission.

To assist the Sisters, please confirm either individually or as a Parish, those parishioners and their friends who can join us. Please email names to as soon as you know or by Monday 17 March latest.  Thank you.

A plenary indulgence is a grace granted by the Church which cleanses our soul and helps us to grow closer to God. When we sin, we not only damage our relationship with God, we create a need for healing and repair in our souls and in the world. Through Reconciliation God forgives our sins, but the effects of our sins may still need to be addressed. Indulgences are a beautiful practice combining prayer, good works and spiritual renewal, to help repair that damage. Indulgences can also be applied to souls in purgatory. More information Jubilee Year Indulgence.

Littlemore Website Link to one minute video of the college